Shelie Macias Memorial Scholarship

Shelie Macias was the coordinator of the ABE/GED Learning Success Center at Mt. Hood Community College. In 1998, Shelie was struck by a truck in the MHCC parking area and died later that night at the hospital. The MHCC chapter of the American Association of Women in Community Colleges established the Shelie Macias Memorial Endowed Scholarship to honor her memory and celebrate her love for serving students at MHCC. Employees, friends and family worked very hard to raise funds in order to have the scholarship endowed. The award honors a student of excellence and need with a one-year scholarship.

Applicants must meet all of the following criteria to qualify for this scholarship.
• Preferred Hispanic/Latino/Latina candidate
• Must have completed coursework in MHCC’s IECC, ESL, and/or GED programs
• Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
• Must demonstrate financial need via the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or Oregon State Aid Application (ORSAA)

Once selected, the recipient must meet the following requirements in order to remain eligible for this scholarship.
• Must attend the AAWCC Shelie Macias Memorial Scholarship Reception
• Must maintain at least part-time enrollment at MHCC (6+ credits per term) during each term the scholarship is in effect
• Must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) as defined by the MHCC Office of Financial Aid (excluding maximum timeframe requirements). Visit for more information.

Scholarship Details:
• Funds will be distributed equally between fall, winter, and spring terms
• Scholarship funds may be used for tuition and fees only; no cash will be disbursed
• This scholarship is renewable for an additional year if sufficient funding is available and the recipient continues to meet the scholarship requirements

Award amounts are subject to change based on availability of funds.

Supplemental Questions
  1. How do you honor or celebrate your Hispanic/Latino/Latina heritage?