G. and A. Hertrich Endowed Scholarship

The G. and A. Hertrich Scholarship recognizes and honors outstanding students majoring in Natural Resources Technology-Forest Resources who are transferring into a university Forestry program.

Applicants must meet all of the following criteria to qualify for this scholarship.
• Declared major in Natural Resources Technology-Forest Resources
• Must intend to transfer to a university Forestry program
• Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA

Once selected, the recipient must meet the following requirements in order to remain eligible for this scholarship.
• Must maintain full-time enrollment at MHCC (12+ credits per term) during each term the scholarship is in effect
• Must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) as defined by the MHCC Office of Financial Aid (excluding maximum timeframe requirements). Visit https://mhcc.edu/KeepMyAid/ for more information.

Scholarship Details:
• Funds will be distributed equally between fall, winter, and spring terms
• Scholarship funds may be used for tuition and fees only; no cash will be disbursed

Award amounts are subject to change based on availability of funds.
